SeaMonkey 2.49.1 (Windows) freezes
2017-12-03 02:03:53 UTC
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/52.0 SeaMonkey/2.49.1
Build identifier: 20171016030418

I switched from Adrian's 2.51 to the released 2.49.1 and on multiple
occasions I've had 2.49.1 freeze on me on Windows (Win 10 - 16GB memory,
same profile that I've been using for years & no, I've not tried with a
new profile yet). It typically happens just when I need it most...
online order checkout, preparing to send important email etc. Note: I've
not experienced the same on the linux version of 2.49.1

Have anyone else had SM 2.49.1 (Windows) freeze on them?
2017-12-03 04:32:06 UTC
Post by NoOp
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/52.0 SeaMonkey/2.49.1
Build identifier: 20171016030418
I switched from Adrian's 2.51 to the released 2.49.1 and on multiple
occasions I've had 2.49.1 freeze on me on Windows (Win 10 - 16GB memory,
same profile that I've been using for years & no, I've not tried with a
new profile yet). It typically happens just when I need it most...
online order checkout, preparing to send important email etc. Note: I've
not experienced the same on the linux version of 2.49.1
Have anyone else had SM 2.49.1 (Windows) freeze on them?
Yes, although I can't come up with anything specific in the way of configuration or
actions to blame for it. Activity grinds to a halt, the twirly twirls, and memory/cpu
activity shoots up and stays there. The window "whites out". Not blank, just a change
in saturation, let's say, to let you know you're screwed. And after you force-kill SM
it can take some time for it to take the hint.
2017-12-03 08:58:18 UTC
Post by cmcadams
Post by NoOp
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/52.0 SeaMonkey/2.49.1
Build identifier: 20171016030418
I switched from Adrian's 2.51 to the released 2.49.1 and on multiple
occasions I've had 2.49.1 freeze on me on Windows (Win 10 - 16GB memory,
same profile that I've been using for years & no, I've not tried with a
new profile yet). It typically happens just when I need it most...
online order checkout, preparing to send important email etc. Note: I've
not experienced the same on the linux version of 2.49.1
Have anyone else had SM 2.49.1 (Windows) freeze on them?
Yes, although I can't come up with anything specific in the way of
configuration or actions to blame for it. Activity grinds to a halt,
the twirly twirls, and memory/cpu activity shoots up and stays there.
The window "whites out". Not blank, just a change in saturation, let's
say, to let you know you're screwed. And after you force-kill SM it
can take some time for it to take the hint.
So, it's better to stay with SM 2.46 waiting for the next stable release
Post by cmcadams
2.49.1 ?
2017-12-03 09:57:56 UTC
Post by cmcadams
Post by NoOp
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/52.0 SeaMonkey/2.49.1
Build identifier: 20171016030418
I switched from Adrian's 2.51 to the released 2.49.1 and on multiple
occasions I've had 2.49.1 freeze on me on Windows (Win 10 - 16GB memory,
same profile that I've been using for years & no, I've not tried with a
new profile yet). It typically happens just when I need it most...
online order checkout, preparing to send important email etc. Note: I've
not experienced the same on the linux version of 2.49.1
Have anyone else had SM 2.49.1 (Windows) freeze on them?
Yes, although I can't come up with anything specific in the way of configuration or
actions to blame for it. Activity grinds to a halt, the twirly twirls, and
memory/cpu activity shoots up and stays there. The window "whites out". Not blank,
just a change in saturation, let's say, to let you know you're screwed. And after
you force-kill SM it can take some time for it to take the hint.
So, it's better to stay with SM 2.46 waiting for the next stable release > 2.49.1 ?
Sadly, I'll have to say yes. 2.49.1 is better than 2.48, but 2.46 was more stable
than either of those. How much risk you'd be running, continuing to use an older
version, I can't tell you.
Frank-Rainer Grahl
2017-12-03 13:01:28 UTC
2.49.1 and now the development build .2 was/is the most stable release I ever
used so YMMV.

All depends on your browsing habits, if you keep countless tabs open, how
often you close the browser and a thousand other variables. It might also be
some shitty java script only activated when the website sees a never Firefox
version or even bad browser sniffing.

I suggest using a script and adblocker if you don't already do so. If it still
freezes it should always do it on the same pages then.

And if you did go back from 2.51 your profile might have corruption too. Check
for indexDB or storage errors on startup. If you see some you need to clean it

Just back up your profile and try it. It might not work for you or it might be
better. You won't know until you try it out.

Post by cmcadams
So, it's better to stay with SM 2.46 waiting for the next stable release > 2.49.1 ?
Sadly, I'll have to say yes. 2.49.1 is better than 2.48, but 2.46 was more
stable than either of those. How much risk you'd be running, continuing to use
an older version, I can't tell you.
2017-12-03 19:57:22 UTC
2.49.1 and now the development build .2 was/is the most stable release I ever used so
All depends on your browsing habits, if you keep countless tabs open, how often you
close the browser and a thousand other variables. It might also be some shitty java
script only activated when the website sees a never Firefox version or even bad
browser sniffing.
No countless tabs, often just one. I don't run the browser continuously.
I suggest using a script and adblocker if you don't already do so. If it still
freezes it should always do it on the same pages then.
uBlock Origin. Noscript became impossible, making things work that I needed to have
work on a specific site became a time-wasting game.
And if you did go back from 2.51 your profile might have corruption too. Check for
indexDB or storage errors on startup. If you see some you need to clean it first.
I haven't been playing pioneer, lately, and no explicit startup errors.
Just back up your profile and try it. It might not work for you or it might be
better. You won't know until you try it out.
OP asked if 2.49.1 ever froze. It has, but not often enough to make it unusable. It
can go for prolonged periods without crashing at all. It has crashed under
stress...for example, SM 2.49.1 popped like a soap bubble when I tried sending a
particularly enormous email loaded with animated GIFs. Weirdly, that happened both
when I attached the files AND when I then tried sending by reference. (In the latter
case the email DID at least go through.) But it has also crashed when absolutely
nothing out of the ordinary is going on, when it will go into its "white out"
routine, as described, and I have to kill and restart. No rhyme or reason I've been
able to spot. Just a guess: script! I will remember your backup and indexDB advice.

Post by cmcadams
So, it's better to stay with SM 2.46 waiting for the next stable release > 2.49.1 ?
Sadly, I'll have to say yes. 2.49.1 is better than 2.48, but 2.46 was more stable
than either of those. How much risk you'd be running, continuing to use an older
version, I can't tell you.
2017-12-04 00:01:58 UTC
Post by cmcadams
2.49.1 and now the development build .2 was/is the most stable release I ever used so
All depends on your browsing habits, if you keep countless tabs open, how often you
close the browser and a thousand other variables. It might also be some shitty java
script only activated when the website sees a never Firefox version or even bad
browser sniffing.
No countless tabs, often just one. I don't run the browser continuously.
I suggest using a script and adblocker if you don't already do so. If it still
freezes it should always do it on the same pages then.
uBlock Origin. Noscript became impossible, making things work that I needed to have
work on a specific site became a time-wasting game.
And if you did go back from 2.51 your profile might have corruption too. Check for
indexDB or storage errors on startup. If you see some you need to clean it first.
I haven't been playing pioneer, lately, and no explicit startup errors.
Just back up your profile and try it. It might not work for you or it might be
better. You won't know until you try it out.
OP asked if 2.49.1 ever froze. It has, but not often enough to make it unusable. It
can go for prolonged periods without crashing at all. It has crashed under
stress...for example, SM 2.49.1 popped like a soap bubble when I tried sending a
particularly enormous email loaded with animated GIFs. Weirdly, that happened both
when I attached the files AND when I then tried sending by reference. (In the latter
case the email DID at least go through.) But it has also crashed when absolutely
nothing out of the ordinary is going on, when it will go into its "white out"
routine, as described, and I have to kill and restart. No rhyme or reason I've been
able to spot. Just a guess: script! I will remember your backup and indexDB advice.

Unfortunately it typically doesn't crash, it just freezes so no new
crash reports are generated.

My last crash on 2.49.1 was on 11/15 & that was caused by
hang | NtUserMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | ***@0x5d3ed
That seems to have been caused by a plugin:
plugin (web) Foxit PhantomPDF Plugin for Mozilla Version:
Filename: npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll
Which was removed following the crash. SM 2.49.1 Windows has frozen at
least 4 times since. When I look at the Windows task manager it just
shows 'Not Responding'.

I'll see if I can get some repeat site/page to troubleshoot... in the
interim it's Thunderbird & Other Browser time (on Windows - linux is
just fine) until I can figure out the issue. Thanks for all the responses.

2017-12-04 05:19:39 UTC
Adding to what NoOp wrote, a little while after my last post I was browsing
walmart.com and SM 1.49.1 Win began behaving as he described. Unresponsive, twirlies
and intermittent white-outs, all without outright crashing. CPU was high, memory was
at 1.1-1.2GB.

So, walmart might be a place to go for some trouble.

Post by NoOp
Post by cmcadams
2.49.1 and now the development build .2 was/is the most stable release I ever used so
All depends on your browsing habits, if you keep countless tabs open, how often you
close the browser and a thousand other variables. It might also be some shitty java
script only activated when the website sees a never Firefox version or even bad
browser sniffing.
No countless tabs, often just one. I don't run the browser continuously.
I suggest using a script and adblocker if you don't already do so. If it still
freezes it should always do it on the same pages then.
uBlock Origin. Noscript became impossible, making things work that I needed to have
work on a specific site became a time-wasting game.
And if you did go back from 2.51 your profile might have corruption too. Check for
indexDB or storage errors on startup. If you see some you need to clean it first.
I haven't been playing pioneer, lately, and no explicit startup errors.
Just back up your profile and try it. It might not work for you or it might be
better. You won't know until you try it out.
OP asked if 2.49.1 ever froze. It has, but not often enough to make it unusable. It
can go for prolonged periods without crashing at all. It has crashed under
stress...for example, SM 2.49.1 popped like a soap bubble when I tried sending a
particularly enormous email loaded with animated GIFs. Weirdly, that happened both
when I attached the files AND when I then tried sending by reference. (In the latter
case the email DID at least go through.) But it has also crashed when absolutely
nothing out of the ordinary is going on, when it will go into its "white out"
routine, as described, and I have to kill and restart. No rhyme or reason I've been
able to spot. Just a guess: script! I will remember your backup and indexDB advice.
Unfortunately it typically doesn't crash, it just freezes so no new
crash reports are generated.
My last crash on 2.49.1 was on 11/15 & that was caused by
plugin (web) Foxit PhantomPDF Plugin for Mozilla Version:
Filename: npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll
Which was removed following the crash. SM 2.49.1 Windows has frozen at
least 4 times since. When I look at the Windows task manager it just
shows 'Not Responding'.
I'll see if I can get some repeat site/page to troubleshoot... in the
interim it's Thunderbird & Other Browser time (on Windows - linux is
just fine) until I can figure out the issue. Thanks for all the responses.
2017-12-28 01:56:20 UTC
Post by cmcadams
Adding to what NoOp wrote, a little while after my last post I was browsing
walmart.com and SM 1.49.1 Win began behaving as he described. Unresponsive, twirlies
and intermittent white-outs, all without outright crashing. CPU was high, memory was
at 1.1-1.2GB.
So, walmart might be a place to go for some trouble.
Seems to have no special sight that causes the problem, at least not one
that I can find consistant. It does seem to happen if I've left it idle
for awhile (10 minutes or more). Screenshot of taskmanager:
Loading Image...

As mentioned previously, it does not hang in linux, only windows (they
are identical profiles). I've restarted with a Windows process debugger
& process activity logger so maybe I can get additional info. (I've not
used these before as I'm only familiar with linux debugging tools, so
hopefully I've got them set correctly).
Post by cmcadams
Post by NoOp
Post by cmcadams
2.49.1 and now the development build .2 was/is the most stable release I ever used so
All depends on your browsing habits, if you keep countless tabs open, how often you
close the browser and a thousand other variables. It might also be some shitty java
script only activated when the website sees a never Firefox version or even bad
browser sniffing.
No countless tabs, often just one. I don't run the browser continuously.
I suggest using a script and adblocker if you don't already do so. If it still
freezes it should always do it on the same pages then.
uBlock Origin. Noscript became impossible, making things work that I needed to have
work on a specific site became a time-wasting game.
And if you did go back from 2.51 your profile might have corruption too. Check for
indexDB or storage errors on startup. If you see some you need to clean it first.
I haven't been playing pioneer, lately, and no explicit startup errors.
Just back up your profile and try it. It might not work for you or it might be
better. You won't know until you try it out.
OP asked if 2.49.1 ever froze. It has, but not often enough to make it unusable. It
can go for prolonged periods without crashing at all. It has crashed under
stress...for example, SM 2.49.1 popped like a soap bubble when I tried sending a
particularly enormous email loaded with animated GIFs. Weirdly, that happened both
when I attached the files AND when I then tried sending by reference. (In the latter
case the email DID at least go through.) But it has also crashed when absolutely
nothing out of the ordinary is going on, when it will go into its "white out"
routine, as described, and I have to kill and restart. No rhyme or reason I've been
able to spot. Just a guess: script! I will remember your backup and indexDB advice.
Unfortunately it typically doesn't crash, it just freezes so no new
crash reports are generated.
My last crash on 2.49.1 was on 11/15 & that was caused by
plugin (web) Foxit PhantomPDF Plugin for Mozilla Version:
Filename: npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll
Which was removed following the crash. SM 2.49.1 Windows has frozen at
least 4 times since. When I look at the Windows task manager it just
shows 'Not Responding'.
I'll see if I can get some repeat site/page to troubleshoot... in the
interim it's Thunderbird & Other Browser time (on Windows - linux is
just fine) until I can figure out the issue. Thanks for all the responses.
Steve Dunn
2017-12-03 16:20:04 UTC
Post by NoOp
Have anyone else had SM 2.49.1 (Windows) freeze on them?
I haven't had this problem. Like you, I'm using the same profile
I've been using for years. Unlike you, I haven't used any pre-release
(alpha, beta, dev, whatever) versions and then gone back down a couple
of versions to a release version; I got to 2.49.1 from 2.48. I can't
say that's the problem but it does seem like a possibility that
something in your profile got out of whack when you came back from the
future :-)

If you're interested in troubleshooting it, a couple of options come
to mind: see if you can duplicate it in safe mode, and see if you can
duplicate it after creating a fresh new profile. I'd suggest backing up
your profile before either of these, just to be on the safe side. Post
again with the results and that might help some of the gurus track down
what's going on.
David E. Ross
2017-12-03 18:11:25 UTC
Post by NoOp
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/52.0 SeaMonkey/2.49.1
Build identifier: 20171016030418
I switched from Adrian's 2.51 to the released 2.49.1 and on multiple
occasions I've had 2.49.1 freeze on me on Windows (Win 10 - 16GB memory,
same profile that I've been using for years & no, I've not tried with a
new profile yet). It typically happens just when I need it most...
online order checkout, preparing to send important email etc. Note: I've
not experienced the same on the linux version of 2.49.1
Have anyone else had SM 2.49.1 (Windows) freeze on them?
Windows 7
SeaMonkey 2.49.1

Two days ago, I had a freeze when starting to pay bills online. I
attributed the problem to the bank's Web server being overloaded. It
was the first of the month, when interest payments are posted; and the
server might have been far too busy with customers checking their
accounts. The problem was resolved, but I do not remember how I
resolved it.

If I see this problem again -- especially if it is NOT the first of a
month -- I am likely to post a bug report. However, I would first check
with the bank to ask if they have been having server problems.
David E. Ross

Am I the only one who noticed the following?
* President Trump issued executive orders
that increase health-care costs.
* The Republicans in Congress propose to
eliminate itemized deductions for
health-care costs.
Ant via support-seamonkey
2017-12-03 18:47:08 UTC
Post by NoOp
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/52.0 SeaMonkey/2.49.1
Build identifier: 20171016030418
I switched from Adrian's 2.51 to the released 2.49.1 and on multiple
occasions I've had 2.49.1 freeze on me on Windows (Win 10 - 16GB memory,
same profile that I've been using for years & no, I've not tried with a
new profile yet). It typically happens just when I need it most...
online order checkout, preparing to send important email etc. Note: I've
not experienced the same on the linux version of 2.49.1
Have anyone else had SM 2.49.1 (Windows) freeze on them?
I only have freezes if there are major leaks going on like on bloated
and slow http://linkedin.com, http://wunderground.com/, etc. It's not
just v2.49.1 too since it happened before it for me. Web sites are
getting too bloated even if I block their annoyances with uBlock Origin. :(
"Since the world began, we have never exterminated. We probably shall
never exterminate as much as one single insect species. If there was
ever an example of an insect we cannot destroy, the fire ant is it."
--an entomologist quote mentioned by Leonard Nimoy on In The Search Of:
Deadly Ants (1978)
Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see
this signature correctly.
/\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ Personal Web Site http://antfarm.ma.cx
/ /\ /\ \ and Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
| |o o| |
\ _ / If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
( ) Axe ANT from its address if e-mailing privately.